Bicycle Accidents

Van Nuys, California, with its sunshine and vibrant streets, is a cyclist’s haven. But a joyful ride can be shattered by a collision with a negligent driver. If you’ve been injured in a Van Nuys bicycle accident, knowing your rights and seeking experienced legal counsel is vital. At The Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran, we handle injury cases exclusively, we have extensive experience with a proven success rate handling bicycle injury cases, and we are always ready to provide guidance, support, and legal representation.

Bike Ride

Your Rights as a Cyclist in Van Nuys

As a cyclist in Van Nuys, you have the right to share the road with other vehicles. According to California law, cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers. This means motorists must respect your right to ride in designated bike lanes and exercise caution when sharing the road with cyclists. 

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents in Van Nuys and How They Can Be Prevented

Most bicycle accidents in Van Nuys are caused by the following:

Motorist Negligence: This includes actions such as failing to yield to cyclists, making unsafe lane changes, making a turn at an intersection and failing to recognize and yield to a bicyclist nearby, making a turn into or out of a private driveway, losing control of a vehicle and striking a bicyclist, running a stop sign, or opening car doors in the path of a cyclist.

Poor Road Conditions: Uneven road surfaces, potholes, visual obscurements (ie. plant/tree overgrowth), debris/fluids on the roadway, and inadequate signage can contribute to accidents.

Distracted Driving: Drivers who are texting, talking on the phone, eating or drinking, putting on makeup, or engaging in other distractions are not fully aware of cyclists sharing the road.

Pedestrian negligence: negligently entering the roadway, crossing the street, or otherwise “cutting off” the bicyclist, causing a collision and/or a fall.

To prevent bike accidents, both motorists and cyclists must exercise caution and adhere to traffic laws. Motorists should be vigilant and respectful of cyclists, while cyclists should follow traffic rules and wear protective gear.

Steps to Take After a Bicycle Accident

If you’ve been involved in a bicycle accident, taking the following steps can help protect your legal rights and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health and safety are paramount. Seek medical attention for any injuries sustained in the accident.
  2. Document the Scene: If possible, take photos and video of the accident scene, including any damage to your bicycle and the surrounding area.
  3. Obtain Witness Information: Collect contact information from any witnesses who saw the accident occur; heard statements made by the negligent driver; or saw the dangerous or defective condition that caused the accident. 
  4. If the negligent driver is apologetic and cooperative, take a video of them admitting fault and committing the negligent act that caused the accident. See if the negligent driver’s vehicle was equipped with a dashcam and, if so, obtain a copy of that video.
  5. Report the Accident: File a report with the local authorities and obtain a copy for your records.

Contact the reputable bicycle accident attorneys at The Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Why Seek Legal Representation?

Filing a bicycle accident claim involves navigating complex legal procedures and negotiating with insurance companies. Getting legal representation from experienced bicycle accident attorneys is recommended for several reasons:

Legal Expertise

Attorneys specializing in accident injury law will invariably acquire extensive experience with bicycle accidents, understand the intricacies of relevant laws, and can provide invaluable guidance.

Protection of Rights

A bicycle accident lawyer will safeguard your rights and advocate on your behalf throughout the claims process.

Maximizing Compensation

Experienced attorneys assess the full extent of your losses and pursue fair compensation for serious injuries and damages.

Benefits of Hiring The Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran

The attorneys at The Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran bring a wealth of expertise and decades of experience in handling bike accident cases. Here’s why many people choose us:

We Are There For You 

Unlike those large mass market law firms, we are a small boutique law firm, where you can actually reach and speak with the two managing partners. They will listen to you and, with your input and consent,  will formulate a strategy that is tailored for you and your family. 

Thorough Investigations and Building Strong Cases

When you choose Rosenstock and Azran, you can expect thorough investigations to gather evidence, identify liable parties, and build strong cases for our clients. We leave no stone unturned in our quest to ensure that your rights are upheld and that they receive the best settlement. 

Negotiation Skills and Strategies for Favorable Settlements

Our firm is adept at negotiating with insurance companies to secure favorable settlements for our clients. Unlike some other law firms, only the two partners negotiate on our clients’ behalf. That way, you will receive the benefits of our decades of experience. We understand the tactics employed by insurers, and do not hesitate to use our considerable expertise and resources to counter their strategies, ensuring that your best interests are always at the forefront of our negotiations.

Experience Litigating Bicycle Accident Cases

If negotiations do not lead to a satisfactory outcome, our firm has the experience and resources to sue the negligent party and litigate bicycle accident cases in court. We are prepared to vigorously advocate for you in the legal arena, leveraging our extensive experience to present compelling cases on your behalf.

Join The Long List

Our commitment to achieving justice and fair compensation for bicycle accident victims has resulted in numerous satisfied clients. We’ve helped many individuals receive compensation for injuries, including Traumatic Brain Injuries. We want to help you.

Reach out to us for a free consultation and take the first step towards securing the justice you deserve.