Van Nuys

After a serious personal injury, you may struggle to get the compensation you are due. The at-fault party may refuse to help, and you may not have the resources for recovery. This is when a personal injury lawyer can and should be brought in to help.

After a serious injury, the experienced personal injury lawyers at The Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran are here to help. Our experienced personal injury attorneys in Van Nuys CA can provide the guidance you need. Unlike some other law firms, personal injury law is our entire focus. This is why you can trust our personal injury lawyers to be the best of the best; we help injured clients like you every single day.

Photo of a Man in Suit Analyzing Documents

Personal Injury Lawyer Van Nuys

When you are hurt in Van Nuys, California, you need an experienced personal injury attorney who is ready to take your case. Only then can you feel at ease that you’ll be awarded maximum compensation. The right Van Nuys personal injury attorney has the tools, knowhow, skills and financial resources to settle your accident claim.

Reaching out to one of our personal injury attorneys can save you time, energy, and stress.

Below is just a sample of the personal injury cases we are prepared to tackle:

  • Car accidents 
  • Truck accidents 
  • Motorcycle accidents 
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Scooter accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Uber accidents
  • Lyft accidents
  • Premises liability
  • Product liability
  • Dog bite and attacks
  • Catastrophic injuries, like a burn injury, traumatic brain injury, or spinal cord injury
  • Pain and suffering injuries, like neck, back, disc injuries, orthopedic injuries, internal derangements to shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, and feet.
  • Denial injuries, like TMJ (TemporoMandibular Joint) injuries, broken jaw or teeth

Filing a Lawsuit

When you are injured, you first need to determine who is liable for your accident. The personal injury attorneys at The Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran can determine liability and hold the at-fault party accountable. Often, this is a driver, a property owner, or someone else, depending on the accident. 

Unfortunately, many large insurance companies refuse to cooperate with personal injury victims. If they fail to compensate you properly, you may struggle to recover. That is why our firm has personal injury lawyers who are focused on litigation for those seeking maximum compensation for their injuries. 

Once you know who is liable, you and your lawyer can file a Van Nuys personal injury claim. You may have options to settle with the at-fault party, but your lawyer will represent you in court if the insurance company fails to fairly compensate you.

Choose The Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran 

When you are looking for Van Nuys personal injury lawyers to help you with your case, you may have many options to choose from in Los Angeles County. So how do you know which is best for you? 

Here is what sets our firm apart from the rest. 

Representation You Can Afford 

We believe, when someone suffers a Van Nuys personal injury, they deserve justice. We know medical bills may be piling up, and the insurance company is not helping. We are dedicated to winning the compensation you deserve, while only taking a percentage of your compensation as pay. If your claim is not a success, you do not have to pay. 

Professional Experience 

We have been a legal team for decades, and have covered many personal injury claims, from wrongful death claims to personal injuries involving large insurance companies. We understand how tough it can be to recover compensation without the right tools, which is why we will put our experience to use for you. Chances are, we have already handled and won cases just like yours, giving us the insight into what the defense will throw at you, their strategies, and how to beat them. 

Our Proven Track Record

We provide personal attention to each of our personal injury clients, and it shows in our track record. Injured victims in Van Nuys can rest easy knowing we have a team recognized for our efforts, and proven success. Not only have we won many high-dollar cases, but we have also been recognized as part of the Top 100 National Trial Lawyers; we have been certified as a Google Screened law firm; we have the highest ranking with the Better Business Bureau; and we are recommended by the team at Expertise.

Damages in Van Nuys Personal Injury Claims 

If you suffered injuries in a Los Angeles or Van Nuys accident, you may have grounds for compensation to cover your losses. Unfortunately, your damages can be tough to calculate without help. An experienced personal injury attorney may be needed to calculate them. 

Below are some of the damages personal injury victims may need following an accident:

  • Economic Damages – You need to seek coverage for all your financial losses. That includes medical expenses (past and future), lost wages (past and future), out of pocket expenses (past and future), In-home care (past and future), medical devices and equipment (past and future), and property damage. 
  • Non-Economic Damages – Pain and suffering can make your recovery difficult. Calculating and placing a dollar amount on your particular pain, suffering and mental anguish can be a challenge for many less experienced lawyers, however, over the years, we have generated a keen sense for case valuation, using jury verdict data, settlement awards, and simply listening to our clients’ hardships and the impact which the injuries have had on their quality of life, to generate aggressive yet realistic demands for our clients’ injuries.  A personal injury lawyer serving Van Nuys and Southern California can help you calculate your mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, and other intangible damages. We, at the Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran are that law firm.
  • Punitive Damages – When another party is careless beyond reason, such as drunk or distracted driving, or even reckless speeding, you may have grounds for punitive damages, which are intended to punish the at-fault party, and make an example of them. These damages can be tough to claim, so reach out to our personal injury lawyers for help. 
Photo of a Lawyer Checking Documents

Calculating your serious injuries and their value is not easy. You may need extensive evidence, including medical testimony, voluminous medical records, expert witnesses (such as accident reconstruction, biomechanical engineering, life care planners, human factors, economists, orthopedic surgeons, etc…).  We, at the Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran have experience with experts in all of those fields, to maximize our clients’ recoveries.

Talk to a personal injury attorney if you have any questions about your personal injury case and options for compensation. 

Connect with a Van Nuys Personal Injury Attorney 

After a serious accident, you need a personal injury lawyer who can help you recover from the accident. The right legal team can help you get the maximum settlement you are due, helping you make a full recovery. At The Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran, we have extensive experience you can rely on when you have been injured. 

Our Van Nuys law firm offers free consultations. To take advantage of your free consultation with our personal injury attorneys, reach out by calling (818) 986 2052 or by completing our online contact form