A rear-end collision occurs when the front end of a speeding or negligently driven vehicle collides with the rear end of another vehicle. These collisions are common but potentially very damaging. It has been estimated that almost one-third of all car crashes are rear-end collisions. If you were hit by a speeding or distracted driver in a rear-end collision and suffered injuries, call The Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran. We assist clients in receiving compensation for damages and losses. We have been serving the community in Encino, California for many years and are committed to fighting for the legal rights of all clients. Schedule a no-obligation consultation today and allow us to hear your story. We have the necessary experience dealing with negligent rear-end collisions.
When do rear-end collisions happen?
There are several common reasons why rear-end accidents occur. Among them:
- The rear driver was moving forward slowly and hit a standing vehicle in front of them.
- The rear driver was speeding or inattentive and collided with a vehicle that was at a full stop.
- The rear driver was going much faster than the driver in front of them and a collision occurred while both vehicles were moving.
- The rear driver was following too closely, leaving them unable to stop in time when traffic ahead slows or stops.
In general, rear-end collisions often result in casualties, injuries, and losses. In cases where the impact is severe, vehicles may end up sliding, rolling, or running off the road. An additional risk factor is a rear vehicle being much larger than the vehicle it collides with. In those cases, the force of the collision will be considerable, regardless of the vehicle’s speed.
Common Causes of Rear-End Collisions
Besides speeding, there are many other reasons why rear-end collisions take place. Here are some of them:
Speeding – A driver has a legal duty to not drive beyond the posted speed limit, and also to not drive at a speed which is dangerous for the conditions. That may require driving at a speed less than the posted speed limit in order to be safe.
Following too closely – A driver has a legal duty to leave enough distance between their car and the car directly ahead, such that if an emergency situation occurs up ahead, the rear driver has enough stopping distance to stop safely.
Inattention – Sometimes a driver fails to maintain their focus and concentration on the task at hand, driving. That compromises their ability to perform vital tasks, such as keeping a proper lookout for potential hazards, anticipating potentially dangerous scenarios, and appropriately reacting to potentially dangerous events the instant they arise.
Distracted driving – A driver can be using the phone, texting, eating, looking at a map, or talking to passengers in the back seat. Close to 90% of rear-end collisions are due to distracted driving.
Aggressive driving – A driver may be attempting to pass another car, anxious to reach their destination, or just being negligent of the safety of those around them. This could also include tailgating or following the car in front too closely.
Dangerous weather conditions – Sometimes it is impossible to stay home even during bad weather. Drivers traveling through the elements are susceptible to hitting the car in front of them due to poor visibility or other hazardous road conditions.
Drunk driving – Driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications can cause drivers to make poor decisions while behind the wheel. Changes in perception caused by these substances make it difficult for drivers to determine where other vehicles are in relation to their own.
Driver fatigue – It is very common for drivers trying to reach destinations to drive while tired. This happens more frequently to truck drivers who must meet deadlines to deliver the merchandise they are transporting.
Injuries From Rear-End Collisions
Despite the widespread belief that rear-end crashes are often just “fender benders,” there are many who suffer serious injuries during rear-end collisions. These are some examples:
Rear-end collisions can cause victims’ heads to be thrown backward and forward in an unnatural way. Discs, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissue in the neck area can potentially be damaged as a result. You may deal with tears, sprains, pain, inflammation, and limited neck mobility. Spinal discs can rupture or become herniated, and vertebrae can become damaged or cracked. Depending on the location of the injury, this can lead to pain in the extremities (arms or legs), a complete or partial loss of sensation and movement. In severe cases, victims can fail to recover from spinal injuries.
Back Injuries
During a rear-end crash, the violent motion of the car can severely injure the back. As vehicles collide, the lumbar spine can become bent, or severely compressed. Spinal discs can rupture or become herniated, and vertebrae can become damaged or cracked. Depending on the location of the injury, this can lead to pain in the extremities (legs, foot, or toes), a complete or partial loss of sensation and movement. In severe cases, victims can fail to recover from spinal injuries. Additionally, back pain can radiate to many areas and involve compressed nerves, fractures, and inflammation. Some back pain may be immediately obvious while other symptoms may take longer to appear. Painful injuries to the spine, bulging discs, or soft tissue require a thorough medical evaluation to be properly diagnosed and treated. Having a back injury may call for ongoing medical treatment and time off work.
Brain Injuries
It is common for victims to hit their heads against different objects including the steering wheel, car doors, windows, airbag, or seatbacks. Concussions and brain injuries can be the result of these unexpected and forceful movements. Brain injuries can be serious, life-changing, and long-lasting. The victim’s ability to perform their daily activities and work duties, and maintain social relationships, can be severely compromised by a brain injury. Unfortunately, because they often do not leave outwardly visible signs, some types of brain injuries often go undiagnosed and untreated.
Get Legal Help in Encino Now
At The Law Offices of Rosenstock and Azran, we are concerned about all our clients who have suffered injuries in a rear-end collision because we have seen the destruction that these injuries can bring. We can assist in putting value on your case and will work tirelessly to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve. Schedule a free consultation with us in Encino today!